[dba-Tech] Unstable Wireless Netowrk

Bryan Carbonnell Bryan_Carbonnell at cbc.ca
Tue Mar 9 10:01:11 CST 2004

I would guess so, but earlier Rocky said:

>It's still unsecured.  I
> think I'd better read this article.

Which is why I made the comment about war driving.

So I am going on the assumption that it's working with defaults for the
most part.

That and knowing very little about WiFi.

Bryan Carbonnell
bryan_carbonnell at cbc.ca

>>> EdTesiny at oasas.state.ny.us 09-Mar-04 10:55:04 AM >>>
Comin late on this, sick all weekend and still not too good.  If Rocky
has setup the security on the router, change SSID, administrator
password, MAC Address filtering, WEP 128 encryption shouldn't he be
pretty secure.

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