Safari Virtual Bookshelf -- WAS -- RE: Svar: RE: [dba-Tech] Access vs. .NET

Reische, Brenda L. blreische at
Mon Nov 22 08:32:23 CST 2004

Gustav & Steven,

Here is the official blurb about Safari:

Safari Bookshelf is the premier electronic reference library for programmers
and IT professionals.  Unlike an online bookstore, Safari lets subscribers: 

Search - Conduct searches across all of the technical books in the Safari
library - more than 2,000 in all. Zero in on answers to time critical
questions in a matter of seconds.

Read - Read the books on your Bookshelf from cover to cover. Or, simply flip
to the page you need.

Browse - Browse books by category. With Safari researching any topic is a
snap. From XML, to database to .Net, you'll find your answer in Safari.

Download - Download chapters for viewing offline.

Here are links for a FREE TRIAL OF SAFARI  30 day free trial through devx  14 day free trial through informit  14 day free trial through o'reilly

There are three sizes of bookshelf, so you can choose how many books you can
have based on how much you want to pay per month.  Most books take up one
"slot", but some take 2 and others take 1/2 a slot.  

A 5 slot basic plan is 9.99/ month
A 10 slot basic plan is 14.99/month
A 10 slot max plan is 19.99/month and you can download some whole chapters
plus some other benefits.

I am not affiliated with Safari in any way other than being a customer.

Brenda Reische
Application Support Analyst
McDonough District Hospital
x. 3263

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven W. Erbach [mailto:serbach at] 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 8:18 AM
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: RE: Svar: RE: [dba-Tech] Access vs. .NET


>> 1) Books must stay on your shelf for 30 days.  So occasionally I find
that my shelf is full and I can't look at a book I want to see for a quick
answer. <<

So, what's the limit on the number of books that can be on your shelf?

Yes, that does help. Again, I thought I saw a limited-time trial somewhere
in my browsing. Now I'd like to try it out but I've forgotten where I saw
the offer. Anybody else see it?

Steve Erbach
Neenah, WI

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: "Reische, Brenda L." <blreische at>
> To: "'Discussion of Hardware and Software issues'"
<dba-tech at>
> Date: Mon, Nov-22-2004 7:42 AM
> Subject: RE: Svar: RE: [dba-Tech] Access vs. .NET
> I use Safari.  I like it for the most part.  
> The CONS: 
> 1) Books must stay on your shelf for 30 days.  So occasionally I find 
> that
> my shelf is full and I can't look at a book I want to see for a quick
> answer.
> 2) Books are only available online and I find that I miss the 
> touch/feel of
> a printed medium. 
> The PROS:
> 1) Access to thousands of books instantly.
> 2) Pages are printable, so you can print out a topic and read it on the 
> go
> away from the computer.
> Hope that helps.
> Brenda Reische
> Application Support Analyst
> McDonough District Hospital
> x. 3263

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