Jon Tydda
Jon.Tydda at
Fri Oct 29 10:38:19 CDT 2004
Hi all I've got a new motherboard, memory and processor to put in my pc (I say new, it's new to me, it's a year old that I got from a friend as payment for building his new pc). At the moment, I've got a 5 year old motherboard ram and chip combo that is in deperate need of disposal. Normally I'd just rip it all out and shove the new bits in, but last time I did that, I rather killed the os, and ended up formatting the hard drive, which later died and had to be replaced... I remember someone mentioning Sysprep, but having looked it up I can't find any reference to it other than for making images of pc's for instant installs on network workstations. Is Sysprep the right tool for me? How do I use it? I want a faster system, but not at the expense of losing all my files... Jon The information in this e-mail is confidential and may also be legally privileged. The contents are intended for recipient only and are subject to the legal notice available on request from : webmaster at ALcontrol Laboratories is a trading division of ALcontrol UK Limited. Registered Office: Templeborough House, Mill Close, Rotherham, S60 1BZ. Registered in England and Wales No 4057291