RE: [dba-Tech] Calculator

Jon Tydda Jon.Tydda at
Thu Sep 2 08:38:19 CDT 2004

I don't know the answer to this, but there's a little trick I can tell you
to save you having to switch logins every time you need to open a program as
the administrator. If you hold shift and right click on an icon, it brings
up a different context menu, with an entry labelled "Run as". If you select
this, you can enter a different set of login credentials to run that single
program as a different user. I use it all the time at work when I'm checking
out other people's pc problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven W. Erbach [mailto:serbach at]
Sent: 02 September 2004 14:25
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: [dba-Tech] Calculator

Dear Group,

I'm almost too embarrassed to ask about this. I recently upgraded my Windows
2000 w/s to Windows XP Pro. All went pretty well except for a couple of
programs that wouldn't work unless I logged in with Administrator rights.

One thing that I hoped would be "fixed" when I upgraded was the Windows
calculator. In Windows 2000 I'd start up the calculator to translate from
decimal to hex and back. The standard calculator looked and acted just fine;
but when I would switch to scientific the calculator window would get a bit
taller to accommodate the extra rows of keys, but it wouldn't get any wider.
And no scroll bar to see what's on the right side of the calculator. It
would still work. I could type in a decimal number, hit the Hex button, and
Ctrl-C the result into my HTML editor, say. But for the life of me I
couldn't figure out why the darn thing wouldn't let me see the whole
scientific calculator.

Now that I've upgraded to XP the calculator still acts in the goofy fashion.
Does anyone have a clue as to what I can do to cure this?


Steve Erbach
Scientific Marketing
Neenah, WI

"There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary,
and those who don't." - Author unknown

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