[dba-Tech] B's Recorder Gold

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Sep 22 18:07:42 CDT 2004

On 22 Sep 2004 at 13:15, Arthur Fuller wrote:

> It took me about half a day to locate the Data Track Properties sheet,
> but usability aside, there doesn't seem to be the opportunity to change
> this setting. I don't care about reading the dvd on ancient systems like
> DOS, Win95, etc. 

Look for a checkbox or something that includes the word "Joliet".  
If you can, turn off "Joliet compliance checking" or whatever.

It's MSs "enhancement" of the ISO standard to handle Win95/NT LFNs and 

"Joliet compliant media shall comply with the remainder of ISO 9660 section, so that for each file recorded, the sum of the following shall not 
exceed 240:

    * the length of the file identifier;
    * the length of the directory identifiers of all relevant directories;
    * the number of relevant directories.

The above lengths shall be expressed as a number of bytes. "

Note that if you have Unicode filenames, that effectively restricts you to 
120 characters for the full path/filername - otherwise it is 249 


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