[dba-Tech] Sharing a printer on a Wireless Network

Tesiny, Ed EdTesiny at oasas.state.ny.us
Mon Sep 27 08:54:32 CDT 2004

Hi All,
I have a wireless network to share my RoadRunner connection.  I have a
printer connected to the desktop via parallel port.  I shared out the
printer but I can see it from the laptop, actually I can't see the
desktop from the laptop.  What am I doing wrong?  Is this possible or do
I have to get a wireless card for the printer.
Edward P. Tesiny
Assistant Director for Evaluation
Bureau of Evaluation and Practice Improvement
New York State OASAS
1450 Western Ave.
Albany, New York  12203-3526
Phone:  (518) 485-7189
Fax:  (518) 485-5769
Email: EdTesiny at oasas.state.ny.us

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