[dba-Tech] Sygate scoops up Sygate...

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 17:47:09 CDT 2005


I've been using Sygate for quite some time, and it's been an excellent 
product. I currently run the Pro version on my home system, and have found 
it to be a great value, When the sasser exploit hit machines in my company, 
I did not suffer the same fate of being rebooted because of external 
machines hitting my box. I was able to download the patch and helpout my 
fellow suffering co-workers. Only recently did I ever have any issues, and 
that was more of the way the cisco vpn client is written... I migrated to 
the correct build from Sygate and have not had any issues.

This corp buy out leaves me wondering how well the next defenition files 
will be like, and what support might be like for the product.

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