[dba-Tech] Securing Excel File to avoid E-mail forwards

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Dec 19 09:39:14 CST 2005

Hi Erwin

As Stuart said, you can't. If people can't handle confident data, don't pass it on.

You could individualize the sheets with a serial no. or faked data (leak test) to identify a sheet (or the faked data for the leak test) if it is found outside the primary receivers. 
At least you can tell the receivers that you do this kind of test even if you don't ...


>>> Erwin.Craps at ithelps.be 19-12-2005 12:14:54 >>>
Hi Group
On a daily basis I send 1 Excel files to about 120 recipients using
The file contains confidential information and is also popular
information for press and other third parties, but may not be disclosed
before the rightfull owner (all of the 120 recipents) decides to do/or
not so for his or here data.
I'm sure this E-mail gets forwarded to other parties that may not
receive this information.
Are there any means today to avoid forwarding this Excel file or atleast
to track back who has forwarded it?
I would like to hear suggestions from "cheap to expensive", from "helps
a bit to helps a lot".
Some additional remarks:
-I would like to avoid sending 120 slightly different Excel files
instead of "1 for all".
-Excel file is obligatory.
-Normal Excel file operation for the recipient, changing, adding,
deleting content etc.
-Avoiding 24x7 server availibility at my office for on-line verification
or logging or whatever.
-I do have an 24x7 internet server, but do not guaranty 24x7
availibility or even sufficientbandwith.
-The recipients mainly use Outlook, some OE and some are Mac's.

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