Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Wed Feb 9 01:11:56 CST 2005
On 9 Feb 2005 at 0:34, John Bartow wrote: > > My problem is that I need to have a method which allows the user to enter > which pages shouldn't be converted to grayscale and then prevent my little > routine here from messing with those slides. There is one small section in > the PP-VBA module below, enclosed in > '--------------------------------------------- where you will be able to see > what I mean. I have eliminated one slide from being processed by the > statement: "If objSlide.SlideNumber <> 9 Then" Try something like this (assumes that PP VBA has Inputbox, Split and Join functions) > Sub ProcessShapes() > Dim objSlide As Slide > Dim objShape As Shape > Dim i As Integer > Dim intUseGray As Integer > Dim lngNewRGB As Long > Dim strPages() as string Dim StrSkipPages as String Dim lngLoop as Long 'Get user input strSkipPages = Inputbox("Enter pages to skip, separated by commas") 'use split and join to change format of each element to three digits ' so that 9 won't be skipped 'if 19 if in the list etc 'build array strPages() = split(strSkipPages,",") 'pad elements For lngLoop = 0 to Ubound(strPages()) strPages(lngLoop) = Right$("000" & strPages(lngLoop),3) Next 'Rebuild String strSkipPages = Join(strPages(),",") For Each objSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides intCountObjects = intCountObjects + 1 'running count of objects 'test whether we should process this slide If Instr(strSKipPages,Format$(intCountObjects,"000")) > 1 then For Each objShape In objSlide.Shapes .......... Next objShape End if Next objSlide -- Stuart