[dba-Tech] C++ to vb.net conversion

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 07:02:17 CST 2005


I visited your home page and was struck by the quote there. It
reminded me of something I'd seen in InfoWorld a few years ago written
by a former programmer:

"If art is making order out of chaos, then software developers are artists
at the highest level. Sure, you will hear about advances that promise to
make the life of the software developer easier -- object-oriented
programming, integrated development environments, and now Web services --
but walk into any development shop and the developers stare intently into
their monitors, facing conundrum after conundrum, but still fighting the
machine and bending it to their will. Developers know that no technology
will take them to the promised land that has been promised many times, but
faith in his or her ability to conquer the machine drives the sometimes
Sisyphean task."

I'm sorry, I don't have the name of the programmer.

Steve Erbach
Neenah, WI

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:08:00 +0300, Shamil Salakhetdinov
<shamil at users.mns.ru> wrote:
> > Unfortunately in HANGS ON my VS.NET 2003 IDE.
> It was one of the Add-ins I did download and install, which was hanging
> VS.NET 2003.
> It works OK now after I removed this add-in...
> So, I think this wrapper is useful...
> Shamil
> --
> Web: http://smsconsulting.spb.ru/shamil_s

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