[dba-Tech] PHP trick...

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at users.mns.ru
Wed Mar 16 15:30:38 CST 2005

Hi All,

It looks like my son has got "hooked" by local hackers when he downloaded
some files here from INtranet of my ISP :(
I will cost me some money overpaid for the traffic....

Question: when I have HTML page loaded in a browser from a server, and this
HTML page has Javascript, which calls PHP function (from compiled PHP file -
I can't get source) is that possible that this PHP function will work(starts
a server process, thread) using my credentials and my IP and will download
file on server side, which my ISP will count as my traffic?

TIA for any info on the subject!

Best regards,
Web: http://smsconsulting.spb.ru/shamil_s

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