[dba-Tech] A petition for the development of unmanaged VBandVBA...

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at users.mns.ru
Thu Mar 17 05:31:39 CST 2005

> As an alternative to following the forced march
My bet: in two years (after VS2005 release + some delay) VB.NET developers
quantity will be higher than VB6 and it will start to grow very quickly.

VB.NET 2005 promise to have such useful features as:

- edit & continue (it's still missing in VB.NET 2003 - and this is a real
- generics - this is a very useful feature for real life business apps,
maybe even more useful than implementation inheritance.
- VB.NET is better(more useful) IMO than C# for real-life business apps
because it is more "democratic" - it lets to use late binding/typeless
programming where C# forces one to use lengthy methods/properties invoke
coding. Typeless programming looks more suitable for the "no time to think -
make it working today" unpatient customers' market demand. So VB.NET
programmers may write the code today and to refactor it (if needed) rather
quickly tomorrow when they get their customers happy. C# doesn't allow to do
that and it doesn't promise to let to do that tomorrow - am I missing

Recap: MS looks like having enough strength/resources to "survive" the
current "strike against VB.NET/.NET Framework" and to put several millions
VB6/VBA develiopers to accept the "forced march". VS.NET 2005/.NET Framework
2.0 will be the "turning point".

Of course, I can be wrong with my bet.
Thiis is how I feel it now.

Still having "VB.COM" within VS.NET would be very useful. But it doesn't
look possible from technical point of view: I'm working on VB6 and VS.NET
add-ins now - VS6 and VS.NET use very different Design Time Environment
object models...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stuart McLachlan" <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues"
<dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] A petition for the development of unmanaged

> On 17 Mar 2005 at 10:19, Shamil Salakhetdinov wrote:
> > FYI:
> >
> > Microsft May Be Hitting a Complaince Wall Here
> > Undoubtedly the reason VB.NET is so unlike VB6 is that a no-going-back
> > incompatibility is essential to the .NET strategy, for it is a strategy
> > having no compelling reason to exist except to compel a forced march to
> > rentalware.
> As an alternative to following the forced march - PowerBASIC have just
> rolled out Version 8.0 of PB/Win.
> -- 
> Stuart
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