[dba-Tech] MS CSS enhancements -- was Compromised IE

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Fri May 6 09:34:20 CDT 2005


Now that's what I'm talking about. Very nice. Did you make that site?

Steve Erbach

On 5/6/05, John Bartow <john at winhaven.net> wrote:
> Oh, oh, oh...
> Uhm, not positive but I don't think any other browser supports them. For
> instance your little ditty there with the genie dude doesn't work with
> firefox - it just shows the genie face not the spotlight thing.
> If you go here:
> http://www.smoketreerocks.com/winnmusic.htm
> Click on a link and you get this cool fading transition. Doesn't work in
> firefox but it doesn't look bad either. Just a clean transition.
> I wouldn't worry about other browser too much unless specified by the
> client. I think over the last 5 years all the sites we manage have had about
> 1.5% hits from other browsers. I have firefox loaded to test how things look
> but I haven't had any "real uglies" happen yet.
> John B.

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