[dba-Tech] [dba-OT] [Fwd: Why Didn't I Just Lay Down Until The Feeling Passed?[Fwd: Requested Dell Quote(s) #313912455]]

Gary Kjos garykjos at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 12:46:45 CDT 2006

Seems like a great deal to me. You can always share a burner on a
different system so not having CD or DVD burner capabillities aren't
that big a problem if you have another one on the lan someplace.
Likewise the 80GB disk should be OK for a test bed system or a kids
system or something.


On 8/23/06, Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software <bchacc at san.rr.com> wrote:
> I need another computer like a third leg.  But Dell had this deal for
> $349 a couple weeks ago.  It's not available any more but the same deal
> is $449.  3.06GHz P$, 1GB Ram, 80GB 7200RPM HD, XP Home, 48X CDROM, 19
> inch flat panel monitor, cheap printer, free shipping.
> It would replace a P3 that's getting a bit old.  Any comments?
> Rocky
> *DELL *         ******
>        /*QUOTATION*/
> *          *
> *QUOTE #:   *
>        *313912455*
> **
> *Customer #:   *
>        *12535058*
> *Quote Date:   *
>        *8/23/06*
> *Date: 8/23/06 11:28:31 AM*
> *Customer Name:  *
> *$483.81 *
> *                                   *
> *                *
> *Product Subtotal:  *
> *$449.00 *
> * *
> *  *
> *Tax:  *
> *$34.81 *
> *  *
> *  *
> *Shipping & Handling:  *
> *$0.00 *
> *Shipping Method:  *
> *Ground *
> *Total Number of System Groups:  *
> *2 *
> * GROUP: 1*
>  *QUANTITY: 1 *
> *SYSTEM PRICE: $449.00 *
>  *GROUP TOTAL: $449.00 *
> *Base Unit: *
> * Dimension 3100 Series, Intel Pentium 4 Processor 524 (3.06GHz) and 1MB
> cache (222-3724)*
> *Memory: *
> * 1GB DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz (311-5382)*
> *Keyboard: *
> * Dell USB Keyboard (310-8025)*
> *Monitor: *
> * 19 in (19 in viewable) E196FP Flat Panel Display (320-4746)*
> *Video Card: *
> * Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelator 900 (320-4530)*
> *Video Memory: *
> * Dell 725 Printer Driver (420-5866)*
> *Hard Drive: *
> * 80GB SATA II Hard Drive (7200RPM) (341-3254)*
> *Hard Drive: *
> * PC Backup, 90-day Trial English, for Dimension (420-5450)*
> *Floppy Disk Drive: *
> * No Floppy Drive Requested (341-2782)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition,Service Pack 2,English (420-4834)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Image Restore (412-0688)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Dimension Dell Support (412-0721)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Windows Media Player 10 (420-4927)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Dell Owners Manual installed on your system,click on icon after system
> set-up to access (463-2282)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Dell Direct Download (420-5477)*
> *Operating System: *
> * Internet Search and Portal (420-5769)*
> *Mouse: *
> * Dell 2-Button USB Mouse (310-8029)*
> *NIC: *
> * Intel Pro 100M Integrated PCI NIC Card (430-0412)*
> *Modem: *
> * No modem requested for Dell Dimension (313-3607)*
> *TBU: *
> * Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 (412-0705)*
> *CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Drive: *
> * 48X CDROM (313-3752)*
> *Sound Card: *
> * Integrated Audio (313-2758)*
> *Speakers: *
> * No Speaker Requested (313-2198)*
> *Bundled Software: *
> * MS Works 8.5 Plus Office (412-0912)*
> *Factory Installed Software: *
> * Network Associates McAfee 7.0,English,90-day Trial (412-0850)*
> *Feature *
> * Music Match 10.1 Basic with 7 days OnDemand (412-0813)*
> *Feature *
> * Paint Shop Photo Album 6.0 Starter Edition (412-0845)*
> *Service: *
> * No Warranty, Year 2 and 3 (950-9797)*
> *Service: *
> * Thank you for choosing 1 Year Economy Plan (981-9288)*
> *Service: *
> * Warranty Support,Initial Year (960-6380)*
> *Service: *
> * Type 3 Contract - Next Business Day Parts and Labor On-Site Response,
> Initial Year (960-7430)*
> *Service: *
> * Soft Contracts - Qualxserve (412-0359)*
> *Service: *
> * Thank You for buying Dell (983-2207)*
> *Misc: *
> * AOL BSD/SMB (412-0586)*
> *Misc: *
> * NETZERO ISP (412-0687)*
> *  *
> * PC Restore Recovery System by Symantec (464-5503)*
> *  *
> * System not eligible for hardware mail-in rebate (464-5005)*
> *  *
> * Purchase is NOT intended for resell (462-4506)*
> *  *
> * Thank you for choosing Dell (464-6138)*
> *  *
> * Quickbooks 2006 Special SimpleStart Edition (420-5136)*
> * GROUP: 2*
>  *QUANTITY: 1 *
> *SYSTEM PRICE: $0.00 *
>  *GROUP TOTAL: $0.00 *
> *Base Unit: *
> * Dell Color Printer 725 (222-2093)*
> *Service: *
> * Dell Hardware Warranty, Initial Year (983-7057)*
> *Service: *
> * Type 11 Contract-Printer Advance Exchange 90 Days Limited Warranty.
> (950-9300)*
> *Service: *
> * No Warranty After 90 Days (900-3961)*
> *Service: *
> * Warranty Support, 90 Days (950-8700)*
> * *
> * *
> _______________________________________________
> dba-OT mailing list
> dba-OT at databaseadvisors.com
> http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/dba-ot
> Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

Gary Kjos
garykjos at gmail.com

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