[dba-Tech] Ctrl-Alt-Del

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 15:59:21 CST 2006


That's the way my system is set up, but I just can't find the option
to require a Ctrl-Alt-Del from each user account.

I have TweakUI installed, but there's no option regarding Ctrl-Alt-Del.

I'm still looking...

Steve Erbach

On 2/21/06, John Bartow <john at winhaven.net> wrote:
> Steve,
> Choose
> "Change the way users log on or off"
> Then
> Uncheck "use welcome screen"
> Now this can be overridden with tweaking software so if you have any of that
> type of app going make sure you check there to
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Steve Erbach
> Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:16 PM
> To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
> Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Ctrl-Alt-Del
> Jon,
> The PC's status as a workstation has not changed since I formatted my second
> drive and re-installed (almost) everything.  We have a home network of 5
> PC's and one of them is a Windows Server 2003 box...but I was only
> experimenting with that one.  There's no domain at all.
> And as far as the option on the User's page, I can send you a screen shot,
> if you like.
> I start Control Panel, click User Accounts and get a Windows Explorer window
> with
> 1) the normal Windows Explorer menu and toolbar buttons;
> 2) a "See Also" of "Appearance and Themes"
> 3) three "Learn About" topics: User Accounts, User account types, and
> Switching users
> 4) "Pick a task..." showing Change and account, Create a new account, and
> Change my picture
> 5) "or pick a Control Panel icon" showing icons for Mail and User Accounts.
> I click on User Accounts and get a new window showing
> 1) the same three "Learn About" topics
> 2) "Pick a task..." showing Change an account, Create a new account, and
> Change the way users log on or off
> 3) "or pick an account to change" which shows icons for each of the accounts
> on my workstation.
> I'm stumped.
> Steve Erbach

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