[dba-Tech] OT: Is anyone into controllers?

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Sep 26 07:07:38 CDT 2006

On 26 Sep 2006 at 13:47, Lembit Soobik wrote:

> I really wanted to add a feature to connect the PIC to the PC for some
> up/download of data, but I found that it will be pretty complicated to write
> the software on the PC which can talk to the USB port, and there are
> software packages which allow to develop USB drivers, but they want 3500 to
> 4500 bucks for it, so that is no good. maybe RS232. will have to evaluate
> that way.

How about using a USB-Serial adapter.
First hit on google is http://www.usbgear.com/USB-Serial.html
Anything from $13 upwards.


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