[dba-Tech] DOS 6.22 help

Jon Tydda jon at tydda.plus.com
Mon Dec 17 17:48:40 CST 2007

A good place to look first would be www.bootdisk.com, they've got loads of
boot disks for various OS's, including different flavours of Windows and
DOS. They might be able to help.

The second one is from Snatch - Brad Pitt with an appalling Irish accent...
don't know the first though :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Arthur Fuller
Sent: 17 December 2007 23:42
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: [dba-Tech] DOS 6.22 help

Many moons ago I had a set of three 3.5 inch floppies which were the DOS
6.22 virgin installation. Due no doubt to lack of use, two now fail. I have
need to rebuild a friend's ancient machine from scratch. Does anyone by
chance have this set of disks? Another item crucial in this attempt to
resuscitate my friend's dinosaur is a file called cdrom.sys. I need that

I realize that technically this might represent a copyright issue, but I've
been computing since 1983, and I can assure everyone that I've been through
a fair share of DOS computers. I need to create a 3.5 that boots to DOS
6.22and hopefully has the cdrom.sys on it. I vaguely recall the DOS command
to load said driver, but it's been decades. It was vaguely like
device=c:\somewhere\cdrom.sys (and before or after that there was a part
that assigned the drive letter, but I can't remember what it read etc.).

I guess it's time to go down the basement and dig out a bunch of ancient
artifacts. Hell, this might cause me to miss CSI Miami! Darnit. Dadburn it!
Dag blast it! OS Pilgrims! Why couldn't the world stay with power commands?
Now all these weiners that can click a mouse quicker than a tap dancer
figure they're programmers. Well, they ain't. They're just a buncha
mouse-clickers, and they're only five clicks from bankruptcy. So there, ya

Two bonus points for answering the following two questions about movies. Who
said, and in which movies? (Two actors, one movie apiece.)

1. "No taste really. Kinda spongey."
2. "Daigs. You like daigs?"

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