[dba-Tech] Excel character limit

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 13:58:07 CST 2007

Thanks for the link -- I'll take a look.

This writer is using Excel to track footnotes. Each cell contains the 
different components of the note, including the actual text, which is the 
cell that hits the display limitation.

If she wasn't hitting this display limitation, Excel would work just fine 
for what she's doing. She's mostly interested in printing them so you can 
have them on hand when she's working away from her computer.

I don't work this hard myself. I use Word to take notes, and note the 
sources as I go in italics, without using built-in footnotes. Only when I 
transfer actual quotes to the manuscript to I create a true footnote, using 
the research notes.

Susan H.

Susan H.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tina Norris Fields" <tinanfields at torchlake.com>
To: "Discussion of Hardware and Software issues" 
<dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2007 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Excel character limit

> Susan,
> Well, no, not exactly.  But, I am ever so curious as to why a person
> would use Excel to do what seems to be a word-processing job.
> I found this page on linking from Excel to a specific location in
> another Office Suite Program document.  Perhaps this will be a help.
> http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel/HA011880611033.aspx?pid=CL100570551033
> HTH,
> Tina
> Susan Harkins wrote:
>> Anyone know a work-around for this Excel limitation (from a reader)?
>> Susan H.
>> Yes, each cell has a maximum of 32,767 characters, which is
>> generous, and I didn't bump into that, but what did cause me angst
>> was that only 1,024 characters per cell are *displayed*. If I
>> clicked on the cell on-screen, the full contents would come up, but
>> if I wanted to view the sheet as a whole, or print it off to write
>> from the hardcopy (which I do from time to time because I don't
>> always have access to my computer), the contents were truncated to
>> 1024 characters.
>> .
>> __,_._,___
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