Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Thu Mar 1 11:48:34 CST 2007
What version of AdAware are you using? A while ago (probably a year ago at least) they updated the app and you had to actually download and reinstall it. I've got V1.06r1 with definition version of SE1R155 26.02.2007 =======Well, there's nothing about my stats that even looks like yours -- I'm using AdAware, build 2.930, created in 2002. That's all I could find. The signature file, which I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, is the definition version is 029-1.06.2002. There's a defs.ref file in the software folder, but I can't find a definition version number in its properties. I'll check for the latest version. Thanks Bryan. Susan H.