[dba-Tech] Model-View-Controller

Peter Brawley peter.brawley at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 3 22:56:17 CDT 2007


It ain't deep, I'll have a go. The idea is to encapsulate ...

M=Model=data the app works on, usually aka the database and its interface
V=View=user interface (eg HTML page)
C=Controller=program which runs and coordinates database & user interface

thus decoupling biz logic and the UI, putting both under the control of, 
er, the controller.



Bryan Carbonnell wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2007 6:15 PM, Bobby Heid <bheid at sc.rr.com> wrote:
>> I know this is probably clear as mud, but I am knew to this stuff.
> Yea. Mud. Still doesn't explain what it is. Or at least in terms I can
> understand.

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