[dba-Tech] Next Learn

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Nov 22 06:18:53 CST 2007

Hi Arthur

Can't quite keep up with your pace! Didn't you learn Java AND C# in three weeks??

I'm still on C# in VS2005 but will move to VS2008 in the near future.

And Eiffel? That's the language delivered in a golden box for rich developers, according to a recent thread on this, right?
I still need to see some compelling reason to use that language (and spend that money).


>>> fuller.artful at gmail.com 21-11-2007 21:26 >>>
I want to take a poll from this group. The question is, What do you think
you need to learn next? I offer a few possible answers but they are not

a) the next version of SQL (2008 Katmai)
b) the next version of Visual Studio .NET
c) Ruby and Ruby on Rails
d) Java's latest
e) PHP
f) Eiffel
g) some alternative to MS-SQL (MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostGres, Advantage,
Cache, etc.)
h) XML (which obviously applies to several of the aforementioned but is
narrower in scope)
i) something I didn't list above -- if so, please say What.


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