[dba-Tech] Strange search behavior in Word

Bob Geldart bgeldart at verizon.net
Sat Apr 5 18:18:59 CDT 2008

I believe that's a normal occurrence. It is going to the next 
instance of the lat action performed.

Lookl in the bottom right corner of the screen, where there are is an 
icon and up/down wedge characters. You are offered options to page or 
search or do other things. Hitting Page Up/Down will continue the 
nexp/previous instance of the last operation.


At 4/5/2008 04:39 PM, Susan Harkins wrote:
>A reader searches for text in a Word document. After finishing the 
>search task, Page Down continues to search instead of actually 
>paging down a full page. I've never seen this before. I looked 
>around for an option that might be behind it, but didn't find 
>anything. Anyone seen this?
>Susan H.
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Bob Geldart             BGeldart at verizon.net
Maynard, MA  

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