[dba-Tech] Multiple versions Access on one machine - Was: VM for different versions of Access

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Mar 28 13:18:38 CDT 2008

Hi Tina

I can't guarantee anything, and some warn against it, but we've never seen troubles with A2003 and A97 combined as long as you don't install to the default "Microsoft Office" folder. 
They are quite different, for example does A97 not know anything about ADO. Also, an Office Clean 97 util exists which cleans all Office 97 if you should wish so.

So I would create a backup and/or restore point and install A97. Don't forget to use the SR-2 (Service Release 2) version. Use custom intall and select only those items needed - you can always add more items later. Also remove the Office quick start from the Start Up entry in the Start menu should it be installed.


>>> tinanfields at torchlake.com 28-03-2008 19:01:34 >>>
Hi Gustav,

Let me get this clear.  Are you saying that I don't have to un-install 
Office 2003, just uninstall Access 2003, then install Access 97, then 
reinstall Access 2003?

Sorry to be dense about this, and thanks again for your help.


Gustav Brock wrote:
> Hi Tina
> I don't think you will need to uninstall Office 2003. This is, by the way, not that easy if you want to erase any track from it.
> I have not installed the updates for the different versions in any particular order (don't recall which).
> I have not installed the latest update for 2002/XP and 2003 as they kill the option to update linked Excel files.
> /gustav
>>>> tinanfields at torchlake.com 28-03-2008 16:30:30 >>>
> Thank you Gustav,
> On my current main computer I am running Office 2003, with all the 
> updates except SP3, which I understand has caused difficulties for 
> others.  Just so I fully understand the process I will need, and 
> whatever "gotchas" are likely to come along, please walk me through the 
> process.
> First, I would un-install my current Access version - do I need to 
> un-install the entire Office Suite?
> Second, I would install Access 97 in its own folder, followed by any 
> other versions I wish, each in its own folder, until I get to my current 
> version.
> How would I handle the several updates that had been downloaded and 
> installed, and which, presumably will have to be reinstalled?  Do I 
> install Access 97, go get its updates, install the next version, go get 
> its updates - and so on until the whole project is complete?
> Am I understanding the process correctly?
> Thanks for your help,
> Tina
> Gustav Brock wrote:
>> Hi Tina
>> No problem. I have all Access versions from 2.0 to 2007 installed on WinXP Pro.
>> Just install from oldest to newest and _always_ deselect any "upgrade" options, and _always_ install to another folder than the default "Microsoft Office". Replace this with "Microsoft Office 97" and so on.
>> /gustav
>>>>> tinanfields at torchlake.com 27-03-2008 21:24 >>>
>> ..  Or, do I dare install Access 97 on my Windows XP Pro machine?

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