[dba-Tech] SP3

Jon Tydda jon at tydda.plus.com
Tue May 20 15:44:49 CDT 2008

In a moment of stupidity, and general being bored... I installed SP3 on my
home pc. It's all lovely and fine, and running great. It hasn't fixed the
memory leak in IE7, but the extra 2gb of RAM I put in has helped that one
out a bit.
After the many threads abuot it, I was expecting to see around 3.5gb being
used by windows, but it's only seeing 3.1gb. Then I service packed it, and
it's seeing 3.12, so I don't know quite what's going on there...
But it's all fine, and this is a system I built myself, no sysprepped HP or
Dell for me! :-)

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