[dba-Tech] Using Dual Monitors

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri May 30 09:52:28 CDT 2008

I have a VERY OLD Samsung SyncMaster 950P, a tube 19" 
monitor.  It probably weighs north of 30 lbs and it is 
starting to take awhile to come back from low power mode, 
and takes even longer to get rid of the fuzzies.  The next 
time a killer deal comes along on flat panels I will replace 
that as well.  I have a large dining room table as my office 
desk so I have LOTS of desk space.

I have been eying the 22" monitors for a long time but they 
are stubbornly stuck at around $230 plus shipping for the 
low end.  At $200 shipped I just couldn't pass this one up.

Loving it so far.

John W. Colby

Gary Kjos wrote:
> I have a 13 inch TV set next to my dual monitor system at home. I
> occasionally try to drag the TV picture over to one of the 19 inch
> flat panels.
> I have dual 19 inch CRT monitors here at work and other than I have no
> available desk space left, it is fabulous. Really hard to go back to a
> single montor system now.
> GK
> On 5/30/08, jwcolby <jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com> wrote:
>> Dan,
>> My laptop has a 17" 1440 x 900 which is a very nice size /
>> resolution for a laptop.
>> The new monitor, a Hanns-G HI-221 went on a one day sale on
>> Newegg the other day for $199 including shipping.  I had to
>> jump on that.
>> I have always been leery of getting a flat screen with those
>> insanely high resolutions because the pixel size is so small
>> that characters are tiny and stuff (at native resolution).
>> This one is 22" but the resolution of 1680 x 1050 just
>> "feels" perfect.  I am getting old and my sight was never
>> very good so I need a good character size at native
>> resolution, without having to do the "translation" stuff
>> that makes things all fuzzy.
>> Both my laptop and this new monitor fit that bill perfectly.
>> I find it extraordinary how easily the mind adapts to the
>> extended desktop and the mouse moving off the page onto the
>> next monitor.  It would probably be even nicer with two
>> identical size (and positioned) screens.  My laptop is
>> slightly smaller and sits on the desktop so it is slightly
>> lower than the monitor.
>> The only issue so far is hitting the close button in the
>> upper right of the laptop without the cursor moving off the
>> screen to the right and on to the monitor.
>> All things considered, mighty fine!
>> John W. Colby
>> www.ColbyConsulting.com
>> Dan Waters wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> I'm using 2 ViewSonic 20" 1600 X 1200 monitors - and yes it's almost heaven!
>>> Along with the monitors came a desktop control panel, with which I can
>>> select preferences for innumerable things I never even thought of.  But one
>>> of those is which monitor do I want the dialog boxes to show up on?  I can
>>> choose left, right, or whichever monitor has the cursor on it at the time.
>>> By the way, yesterday I posted a reply to you about using an unbound
>>> auxiliary form to edit memo fields - I didn't see it arrive.  Do you
>>> remember it being posted?
>>> Enjoy 2 monitors!
>>> Dan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>> [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
>>> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 8:37 AM
>>> To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
>>> Subject: [dba-Tech] Using Dual Monitors
>>> I finally broke down and bought a 22" flat panel for a
>>> second display, attached to my laptop and life is wonderful.
>>> Except... little things still don't work quite as you might
>>> expect.
>>> Don't get me wrong, the situation has improved markedly
>>> since the last time I tried this several years ago.  the
>>> desktop extends to the second monitor without a hitch.  I
>>> can just drag things over there and use them.  The mouse
>>> cursor just slides between the two monitors quite intuitively.
>>> The second monitor is just slightly higher resolution than
>>> my laptop - 1440 x 900 for the laptop and 1680 x 1050 for
>>> the second screen.  On a 22" screen the native character
>>> size is just right, big enough to be seen easily by my aging
>>> eyes.
>>> But, little things.  Like remote desktop.  When I set it up
>>> I set up the second monitor as the desktop extension.  I
>>> remoted in to the client and the remote machine set up at
>>> 1440 x 900 and all is well.
>>> However I decided to move the "main" monitor to be the new
>>> one.  Now remoting in tries to use the higher resolution on
>>> the remote desktop and the remote desktop has slider bars.
>>> What the heck over?  I tried switching back so that the
>>> laptop is the main screen but the remote access still shows
>>> sliders.  Sigh.  I do a LOT of remote access and this
>>> (sliding around the desktop) is not going to fly.
>>> Another "niggly issue", I set up the code to be on the new
>>> (slightly bigger) monitor and the database container on the
>>> laptop (smaller).  Works fine except that when I have edits
>>> in multiple code windows and try to save the save dialog
>>> comes up on the laptop (database window) rather than the new
>>> monitor (code window).  I can drag the dialog over to the
>>> monitor but the next time it opens up it is back on the lap top.
>>> Just little problems like that.
>>> I hate to sound ungrateful though, this really is a marked
>>> improvement on a single monitor screen.
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