[dba-Tech] Word question

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 12:49:25 CDT 2008

Mark, this is for an article on how to create a descending ordered list. I'm 
using field codes to dynamically fill in the list. I can take any solution I 
like, but I have to balance worth and work. The user who updates such a list 
once every blue moon won't remember all the extraneous details, so the fewer 
the better -- not because the technique's not sound but because readers 
complain. :) I can skirt a lot of issues if necessary however in my effort 
to present the basics without a lot of bells and whistles that just confuse 
the issue further. In this case, I'm about ready to just say "here's how to 
create the numbered list -- it's up to you to figure out how intricate or 
simple initiating the process should be..." and then offer a few, "you 

Susan H.

> It is not possible to inform the users that the data you want can be 
> viewed
> by clicking on the funny button on the toolbar?  I know it is a hassle to
> have to turn on and off the hidden chars, but macros are also a hassle.
> The issue with Macros is that they may be disabled by the user and then 
> you
> loose out on your data anyway.
> How many users are you talking about, 10's, 100's, 1000's, ?  Is the 
> version
> of word also an issue?
> If you are distributing a word doc, would it be an option to distribute 
> two
> docs, one with instructions in it to either a) enable macros or b) display 
> /
> hide the chars.
> Mark
> 2008/9/19 Susan Harkins <ssharkins at gmail.com>
>> >
>> > Why not use the hidden attribute of fonts.  This will hide the 
>> > characters
>> > and they will never print,
>> ========Because then the user can't find the bookmarked spot. :) I'm 
>> using
>> this value as a variable that a field code references. If the user can't
>> see
>> the value, the user can't change the value. After thinking about this a
>> little last night, I think I will change it a bit -- too many little
>> gremlins to make this truly a good technique. I like the field code list
>> part, but I'm going to have to find a better way to solicit the number of
>> items in the list from the user. I can hard-code it in the list, but that
>> doesn't make for a versatile list. I guess I'm just going to create a 
>> short
>> macro that prompts for the number, but then I'm not sure how to store it 
>> so
>> that the field code REF can access it. Can I do that? Can REF access a
>> module-level variable? I'll have to try that.
>> Susan H.
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