John Bartow
john at
Fri Feb 27 18:08:06 CST 2009
Jon, Vipre Enterprise has a function to do this - I believe this is what "Enterprise Console" implies ;o) FYI half price for a competitive upgrade :o) Here's a script to ping a subnet. Takes a while and won't work if you have personal firewalls set to not respond to a ping but I doubt that would be the case. HTH John B <code starts here> @ECHO OFF @TITLE Ping Entire Subnet @COLOR 2F @IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO :ERROROS GOTO :BEGIN :BEGIN :: SETLOCAL keeps all the variables in this script local to the script. SETLOCAL :: Don't forget to configure these four items. :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- SET First_3_Octets=192.168.254 SET Starting_Number=1 SET Ending_Number=254 SET Output_Location=Pings.csv :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ECHO Ping Entire Subnet>%Output_Location% Date /T >>%Output_Location% Time /T >>%Output_Location% ECHO.>>%Output_Location% ECHO PingChecking... FOR /L %%i IN (%Starting_Number%,1,%Ending_Number%) DO (SET Last_Octet=%%i) & (CALL :PingChecker) ECHO Run complete ECHO.>>%Output_Location% ECHO Processing Complete >>%Output_Location% Time /T >>%Output_Location% START /normal Notepad.exe %Output_Location% ENDLOCAL EXIT :PingChecker SET response= FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%i in ('ping -n 1 %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%^| find "Reply"') DO (SET response=%%i) IF /I "%response%"=="Reply from %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%" (GOTO :Reply) :: ELSE (GOTO :NoReply) :Next GOTO :EOF :Reply ECHO %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%, reply ECHO %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%, reply>> %Output_Location% GOTO :EOF :NoReply ECHO %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%, no response ECHO %First_3_Octets%.%Last_Octet%, no response>> %Output_Location% GOTO :EOF :ERROROS ECHO This script requires the Windows NT O/S. Script will exit now. PAUSE CLS EXIT