[dba-Tech] Word quirk driving me nuts -- adding a line abovetext at the beginning of a document

Mark Breen marklbreen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 07:43:21 CDT 2009

Hello Susan, Arthur and John,

first of all, I was surprised that Susan could not insert the new line.
Then following Arthur's comment, it appears that perhaps she was pasting a
table into a new doc.  So perhaps that was what was causing the problem.

The main reason I am replying here is that it made me smile affectionality
as it reminded me of Word Version 2.0 where we have to use the table Split
function to get above line one where the table was at line one.

While I am not still sure what problem you are having (because I h ave not
experienced that since Word 2.0), but does a table split work for y ou?

Anway, thanks for reminding me of my early days as a small business where I
made money teaching secretaries how to use Word for Windows 2.0 :)

those were good days, I would work approx three days per months, and drink
beer the other 27 days :)

Nowadays, I work 27 days and take care of wife and kids the other days, and
zero beer :)  I suppose I am happier also nowadays.


2009/6/10 Susan Harkins <ssharkins at gmail.com>

> Me too Arthur -- but John's keystroke works great!
> Susan H.
> > The only way that I've found to do this is to insert the carriage returns
> > first and then copy the table. I too have tried dozens of other
> approaches
> > and not yet found what you're looking for.
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