Tina Norris Fields
tinanfields at torchlake.com
Thu Mar 12 06:47:38 CDT 2009
Hi Steve, That sounds very much like what happened to my system and my Dad's. This is apparently because our automatic definitions update happened during the couple of hours that a bad definition update was on the server - Monday March 2 I think, definition 5019. For my own system, I followed the instructions given on SunBelt's website - download a file to disable Vipre's services, uninstall Vipre, download another file to reinstall Vipre, update definitions. This was not successful. What did work was to use SystemRestore and put my system back to February 28, then update the definitions. In my case, since I had actually uninstalled all of of Vipre, I had to reinstall Vipre after the SystemRestore, but having learned my lesson spending all day Saturday to fix my system, I fixed my Dad's system in twenty minutes. None of my other computers was on at the time the bad definitions file was on the server. So, life is good and my system is back to normal. T Steve Erbach wrote: > Dear Group, > > I've used Vipre for a few months on my system (Windows XP x64) and on > my wife's XP system. Didn't have any problems ... until a couple of > days at the end of last week. > > After what I'm about to describe happened a couple of times, I started > out after a fresh reboot by running SysInternals' Process Explorer > showing the Performance Graph for the SBAMSvc.exe service. > > Then I'd start Thunderbird. The performance graph for the Vipre > service would jump up to 50% CPU utilization (most of that was core > CPU). Then, after email was downloaded, I'd click on any message to > read it and the CPU utilization would jump to 100%. Most of that CPU > utilization (about 70%) was core CPU. > > The CPU utilization stayed at 100% so I thought I'd shut down the > service using Process Explorer. After having accomplished that and > seeing the CPU utilization plunge back to 0, I tried re-starting > Vipre; that is, I ran it from the Start menu instead of going into > Services and re-starting it from there. Three times this happened: > complete system freeze. No mouse, no keyboard, no disk activity...so > I hit the power switch. > > After a couple days of this, I started my system back up and ran > Process Explorer and whatever else I run normally...and everything's > fine! I didn't un-install anything; I didn't change anything in the > startup programs...Vipre just started working as it's supposed to. > > I have an Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0 MHz system w/8 GB of RAM. > > My wife's system (Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 w/2 GB of RAM) has a > different problem. She's got more disk space than I do...about 1300 > GB, so a Vipre scan takes longer. But on Feb.26 her Deep scan ran for > 291 minutes. That jumped to 459, 463, 470, and 463 minutes on March > 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Then on March 6th it jumped to 1092 minutes! > (For what it's worth, my 244 minute scan on March 5th jumped to 488 > minutes on March 6th for 500 MB of storage space). > > Yesterday morning I woke up real early and saw that her Deep scan was > projected to take about 1100 minutes so I cancelled it. I then set > the nightly scan to be a Quick scan, which took about 2-3 minutes. > > I'm mainly venting and I'm happy that my system has settled down...but > I'd like my wife's system to run Deep scans at night that don't last > for 18 hours...and I don't know what to do about it. > > Regards, > > Steve Erbach > Neenah, WI > http://www.NeenahPolitics.com > http://www.TheTownCrank.com > _______________________________________________ > dba-Tech mailing list > dba-Tech at databaseadvisors.com > http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/dba-tech > Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com > >