[dba-Tech] Function gotcha with use of asterisk

Max Wanadoo max.wanadoo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 11:44:23 CDT 2009

Hi All,

The u/m Gotcha was posted on sqlservercentral.  Below is the opening para.
If you want to see code explaining this, etc, you will need a free

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The bug is at:


Function gotcha with use of asterisk

During a recent upgrade of our software, I discovered what I assume is a
little-known gotcha that I feel appropriate to document and pass on. The
gotcha occurs with user-defined table functions (UDFs), when selecting
columns from a table using the asterisk (select all) method. The problem
then occurs only when columns are subsequently added or removed from the
based over table without recreating the function. When these conditions
occur, it results in interesting and undesirable output. The SQL below
illustrates this problem using SQL 2000.

Watch for wrap


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