[dba-Tech] SBS 2008 Performance Issues

Janet Erbach jerbach at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 10:46:41 CST 2010

I started a thread about a month ago in relation to extremely high
virtual/physical memory usage on our SBS 2008 server.  It looks like the
issue may be a two-fold one:

1)  We customized our installation of SBS 2008 and did NOT turn on the
Microsoft Exchange features.  We didn't want them.  And it's starting to
look like...

2) Having Exchange turned off has adversely affected the SBS Monitoring
Services.  SBS Monitoring has not cleaned up after itself properly since it
was first installed, and I've found a couple of troubleshooting references
that mention making sure two specific Exchange services are running.  So I'm
wondering if Monitoring can't clean up after itself without Exchange running
in the background...The Monitoring database has reached it's built-in 4 gb
limit, and it generates dozens of errors all day long because of that.

I think that SBS Monitoring is thrashing constantly to try and do what it's
supposed to do - and can't, due to database overgrowth.  Does anyone know
how I can go about turning off SBS monitoring completely?  Stopping the
services isn't enough...that has had no effect on memory usage.  I can't
find any helpful info on the issue through my web searches.   And, unlike
SBS 2003, you can't just uninstall SBS Monitoring - it does not appear as a
seperate entity in the add/remove programs list.

Or...am I better off starting over and re-installing SBS 2008 from scratch
using the default settings so that it SBS 2008 will behave itself?

Janet Erbach

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