[dba-Tech] Fwd: SBS 2008 performance

Mark Breen marklbreen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 06:17:09 CST 2010

Hello Janet

No, I think you have one rogue application, and when you kill that, you will
be back to having 1.7 GB used and all the rest will be perfect.  And you
will be a hero.

You have to find that app that is leaking / hogging memory,




2010/1/20 Janet Erbach <jerbach at gmail.com>

Mark -
> The boot up suggestion is an excellent one.  I think I will try that this
> weekend.  In the meantime virtual memory usage is up to 9.4gb...so I'm just
> waiting for the whole thing to melt down.  Then I can go home and forget
> about it!!
> You just made me think of something, though.  Do you think it's possible
> that this is a hardware issue and not a software one?
> Janet

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