[dba-Tech] Excel question

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 09:34:36 CST 2010

> Are the formulas the same for each row?


Could you put one set of formulas
> on a separate page (do they call that a 'workbook' now?) within your
> spreadsheet?  Or even place the formulas in an external worksheet?  You
> could data protect those cells and then use absolute referencing in your
> formulas pointing to the new page/spreadsheet.  (You might even be able 
> name
> each formula and use the names in place of cell addresses  - I haven't 
> used
> names a whole lot, so I can't say whether it's worth the effort or not.) 
> I
> used to have a very complex sales forecast spreadsheet that was built
> entirely on links to an external spreadsheet - it worked great.

========Well, the users will want to see the results with their work -- it's 
a timesheet. It's Okay as is, but I would've liked a bit more guidance and 
protection. For now, I'm just changing tactics -- if they want more rows, 
they can unprotect the sheet, format more rows, turn on protection again. 
It's not what I want, but it beats a blank.

Susan H. 

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