[dba-Tech] Top 25 passwords

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 09:01:08 CDT 2011

I don't know, but the same question might be asked about several other
candidates on this list. Actually, none of the members of the list has ever
occurred to me as a potential password. Before I started using special
characters in my password, my choice was SuperMan, camel case intended. I
inherited that one from a company for which I once worked.

But this discussion raises another deep question. How can one crack
passwords? I recall reading somewhere in some book about hacking, that the
first thing they did was import a text file from some dictionary site, and
thereafter pipe the contents into the Login screen. Most of the time, it is
alleged, it worked.

I refined this basic rule to substitute the arithmetic equivalent for each
vowel in the word, so that Arthur would become 1rth20r. SarahB would become
S1r1hB, according to this scenario. And so on.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Peter Brawley
<peter.brawley at earthlink.net>wrote:

> What's popular about 9452?
> PB

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