Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Mon Nov 21 16:43:57 CST 2011
Superluminal = Faster Than Light (my suggestion for an abbreviation is FTL). Second measurements at CERN appear to verify initial measures. Now we just have to find a couple of places in the world that can do this measurement. To my knowledge there are only two (could be my ignorance on this subject) such places: Fermilab in Chicago, which already performed a similar run and got similar results, but were not confident in their data because their measuring tools were not as precise as those at CERN; they are now upgrading their equipment and should be able to verify within a year. The other facility is in Japan, but it's been out of commission since the earthquake and tsunami; could be a while before they're ready. Meanwhile we wait with baited breath, pondering the implications. Phone me tomorrow and I'll pick it up yesterday, or something :) -- A. Cell: 647.710.1314 Thirty spokes converge on a hub but it's the emptiness that makes a wheel work -- from the Daodejing