Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Fri Jun 1 21:27:09 CDT 2012
Windows 8 viewers fall into two distinct groups. Those that hate it, which is by far the largest group and then there is the "atta boy" groups, who's members would defend W8 to the death. Neither group has supplied the basics on how the product actually works. It has always been the, "I don't know and I don't care" group and the "I know but its yours to find out" group and both groups are useless as far any sort of assistance. Here is a video, in which the orator tries to answer and demonstrate some of the new Window's methods and feature as well as voicing some of his concerns. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qIMuJTrxuhQ#! My prediction, is that the new Windows adoption will be a lack luster affair and most of the current users will just hunker down with their Windows 7 and wait for something better. I don't believe, Microsoft will ever convince a majority of the current Windows users to migrate and eventually, the Windows OS line will split into two distinct applications...which is what should have been done in the first place. Jim