[dba-Tech] So long, Norman

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Jun 3 01:52:33 CDT 2012

Hi Hans

I don't get it. I've never had the need to reinstall a workstation. Except once, where multiple local SQL Server installations completely messed up themselves on my four year old Vista. Which learned me to not install any SQL Server other than SQL Server Express locally.


>>> hans.andersen at phulse.com 01-06-12 19:03 >>>

Congratulations on the upgrade. :)

And just in time to dodge the incoming Windows 8 debacle as well.

I remember that feeling of liberation. It totally changed my outlook on computers. It was back in the days of XP, when Microsoft announced that Longhorn was going to be called Vista and they were going to cut out all the best features that they had been touting and promising for years. I switched over to OpenSUSE back then, but it was still early days for Ubuntu and Mint didn't exist yet. I remember being amazed having a laptop that had new life breathed into it. It was stable and fast and didn't need reinstalling every 6 months to a year. After being a heavy Windows user since 3.11, this was a new experience for me. :p

By the way, don't under-estimate how powerful WINE is at being able to run Windows applications on Linux natively. It's not perfect, but it's able to handle quite a lot of applications rather well. So, if there is any particular application or game that you miss from Windows and would frequently use, give it a try.

- Hans

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