Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Mon Jun 25 23:36:02 CDT 2012
Here is a link to an interesting HTML5 site. Check out the code sample/source which is simple and very elegant. It was only a matter of time before web base apps start replacing desktop applications. It's a cute mashup with a couple of sound feeds, a couple of remote JS libraries and a picture from a classic portal game, I have been told. Aside: "...its a game where you are a person trapped in a giant rat maze controlled by a psychotic robot AI who performs experiments on you, getting you to navigate through puzzles and you have a gun that is able to create entry/exit portals to solve these puzzles..." http://rain.nxe7.com/# (The raining sound is really soothing but since last December it has been too soothing here...but who knows maybe it will be summer soon.) Jim