Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Mon Oct 8 10:07:24 CDT 2012
An interesting article was posted from Techrepublic. It is beyond all the traditional comments you would expect. I found items one and four particularly interesting. <quote> 1: Use Linux I can already hear the groans from the gallery, but the truth of the matter is, you will cut down on PC security issues if you begin migrating at least some of your desktops to Linux. The best way to do this is to migrate users who don't require the use of proprietary, Windows-only applications. If you use Exchange, just make sure you set up OWA so that the Linux users can access Web mail. Migrate a quarter of your desktops to Linux and that's a quarter fewer security risks you'll have to deal with. ... 4: Switch your browser Not to stir up the mud, but the truth of the matter is simple: Internet Explorer is still an incredibly insecure browser. One of the best things you can do is migrate your users from IE to Firefox. Yes, Firefox may be getting a bit bloated, but it's still far more secure than the Windows counterpart. </quote> ...and for the whole article: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-things-you-can-do-to-improve-ne twork-and-pc-security/3444?tag=nl.e101&s_cid=e101 >From experience, I would concur with the above comments. Jim