Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Wed Feb 20 07:26:56 CST 2013
Considering that the Ubuntu phone has not even released a product to market and their percentages are almost the same as the Windows phone. That is not a poke at Windows rather a market surge looking for something new and fresh. So the expectation is incredible great. Whether they will be able to live up to their potential fans expectations is of course untried but as the writer of attached article states, "Everyone is looking for something new and fresh." The writer is an Apple person but he goes on to say... "...Two mobile operating systems rule the market as of now and as simple market knowledge can tell you, competition spurs innovation. Android is pushing some limits, but in doing so cause an extreme amount of fragmentation and left vulnerabilities in the form of the lacking Google Play Store and other areas. Apple on the opposite end is becoming nothing less than stagnant with iOS. Incremental upgrades are nice, but when a company who previously pushed the boundaries in every regard for the past decade goes through five iterations of their mobile operating systems without any huge changes, the consumers - or at least pro-sumers - will become bored with it, as we're always looking for the latest and greatest. We're looking at The Jetsons up in the sky while we feel iOS is still using its feet for brakes; Fred Flintstone-ing it. With both Android and Apple showing their pitfalls more now than ever, Ubuntu stumbled upon the opportunity to rise up out of nowhere and disrupt the market... " http://theindustry.cc/2013/02/18/ubuntu-for-phones-analysis-for-potential-an d-visual-breakdown/ Jim