Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Mon Jul 22 19:45:29 CDT 2013
Thanks a lot for your input, guys. I've got some research to do, and I've asked my colleague some questions about configuration to which I lacked immediate answers, so I'll continue looking into this as I await his answers. Meanwhile, I will proffer some opinions: 1. Since the back end is MySQL, a Linux database server is the best possible choice. Why bother with licensing the MS Server stuff when the Linux stuff is both solid and free? 2. Whatever his current configuration is (I'm still awaiting details about his database server), subsequent recommendations will be based on that answer. That's about all I have to offer as I await his responses to my questions. Those responses may or may not limit the choices available. Following Jim's suggestion to investigate OpenVPN.Net, I have visited the site and am currently ignoring the TV and reading the material. And speaking of TV, last night I watched Blood Diamond, of which I have a copy on my bookshelf but haven't watched since its immediate release. What an incredible movie! I don't recall whether Leonardo diCapreo won an Oscar for this film, but if not it's travesty. In every possible way, this film is magnificent -- but most of all, aside from the shots of the African sunsets, is the performance by DiCapreo, and Djiomin Hounsou and Jennifer Connelly -- not to mention the exposure of the blood diamond trade. Please excuse the irrelevant venture into clearly-OT topics, but I found this film so unforgettable that I am still reeling from its power, despite my interests in the original question. Arthur On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <mcp2004 at>wrote: > Hi Jim -- > > "Watch What You Say"! :) (see below) > > > in the age of PRISM this becomes so very important > It (VPN encryption) might soon become useless: > > "The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)" > -- Shamil > > Monday, July 22, 2013 11:28 AM -06:00 from Jim Lawrence <accessd at>: > >Hi Arthur: > > > >I am hardly an network expert but for secure connection across internet I > would suggest a VPN type network. If done properly, staff with the > appropriate usernames and passwords can connect in to business network > through either standard or a specific dedicated address:port installed on > the company's router. > > > >There are a slew of VPN products out there with all sort of features and > costs. I have one that is installed on my laptop which gives me full access > to my entire network when I am on the supports any protocol as > its is only a tunnel, even RDP. > > > >It is called OpenVPN ( ) and as my resource are > limited the price is right. The product has clients for any OS but server > end must be Linux based...not a problem for yourself as it runs fine on any > version of Distro, that uses Debian. If the business wants their server end > hosted it will cost $6.00 per connection per year (I am sure there are > volume discounts). > > > >I would recommend you set up your own in-house server as once setup > properly it can left to its own devices as it just works. The beauty of > hosting is that once a connection is established the client and server are > directly linked, no third party intervention is needed. This is of course > is great for security and in the age of PRISM this becomes so very > important. > > > >HTH > >Jim > <<< skipped >>> > _______________________________________________ > dba-Tech mailing list > dba-Tech at > > Website: > -- Arthur Cell: 647.710.1314 Prediction is difficult, especially of the future. -- Niels Bohr