Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 5 15:43:28 CDT 2013
In the last few years as the browser has completely consumed most of the development in the computer world, the editors-integrators-testers have not kept up. The attached link to the post is a great over-view of the advances in IDEs. The author does feel the current work-flow system is broken but it is more that editors are not advancing as fast as code developers. With the final universal acceptance of HTML5/CSS/JavaScript the dam has broken and I would expect to see site advances far beyond today's standard website designs. http://blog.kenneth.io/blog/2013/05/21/our-web-development-workflow-is-compl etely-broken/ It is truly a very exciting time for web developers. Aside: I would truly like to be able to code as fast as the WebStorm video shows but I suspect a carefully edited vid. Jim