[dba-Tech] AngularJS: Write less code, go have beer sooner - anybody?

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Fri Jun 7 17:30:36 CDT 2013

 see also:   http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/3-reasons-to-choose-angularjs-for-your-next-project/

Saturday, June  8, 2013 2:06 AM +04:00 from Salakhetdinov Shamil <mcp2004 at mail.ru>:
>Hi Hans --
>Did you read:    http://www.nebithi.com/2012/12/27/backbone-and-angular-demystifying-the-myths/  ?
>> Plus, they are event driven, so you can make proper
>> JavaScript applications the right way.
>See above.
>See also:
>-- Shamil
>Friday, June  7, 2013 1:26 PM -07:00 from Hans-Christian Andersen < hans.andersen at phulse.com >:
>>If suggest taking a look at  http://marionettejs.com/ or  http://kmalakoff.github.io/knockback/ .
>>Both are based on Backbone.js and throw in some of the most popular tools, such as underscore.js and jquery etc.
>>Plus, they are event driven, so you can make proper JavaScript applications the right way.
>>You could also just use backbone.js, but both of these add nice additional features on top of backbone to make writing less but better code.
>>Backbone is turning out to be the popular JavaScript framework, just as jquery became the defacto JavaScript library.
>>- Hans
>>On 2013-06-07, at 12:43 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <  mcp2004 at mail.ru > wrote:
>>> Hi Jim --
>>> AFAIU AngularJS isn't dependent on jQuery - AngularJS uses plain JavaScript.
>>> And AngularJS doesn't use event listeners.
>>> I suppose AngularJS can be used together with jQuery if needed and they shouldn't clash as AngularJS doesn't use any global context variables - AngularJS is a "different story" - see:
>>>  http://blog.appfog.com/angularjs-the-beauty-of-concision/
>>>  https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/Projects-using-AngularJS
>>>  http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/576246/A-Shopping-Cart-Application-Built-with-
>>>  http://www.nebithi.com/2012/12/27/backbone-and-angular-demystifying-the-myths/
>>> -- Shamil
>>> Friday, June  7, 2013 11:49 AM -07:00 from "Jim Lawrence" <  accessd at shaw.ca >:
>>>> Hi Shamil:
>>>> I have not worked with AngularJS but the particular problem that is resolved
>>>> in the YouTube video looks impressive. 
>>>> That said; there is so much more capabilities to both JQuery and AngularJS
>>>> that it would be logical to have bot libraries available. The next question
>>>> is will they both work together within the same environment. 
>>>> As they both use the same base code, both monitor events, both use JSON,
>>>> AJAX and store many variables to extend their capabilities, will they clash?
>>>> If they do clash how difficult is it to work around issues? Will loading
>>>> both libraries dramatically reduce performance in start up or changing
>>>> pages?
>>>> I am not sure how large the base of extended code samples that AngularJS
>>>> has...how large of a background support through forums and developers, if
>>>> there are bugs and serious issues. OTOH we know that there is a massive set
>>>> of JQuery code samples and an extended community build around the product
>>>> JQ.
>>>> OTOH, it might be worth seeing just how far a small web site project can go
>>>> with just using AJS.
>>>> Jim
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:  dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>>> [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Salakhetdinov
>>>> Shamil
>>>> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 2:56 AM
>>>> To: Discussion of Hardware and Softw
>>>> Subject: [dba-Tech] AngularJS: Write less code, go have beer sooner -
>>>> anybody?
>>>>  Hi All --
>>>> AngularJS - angularjs.org - It looks interesting. Any opinions, real life
>>>> projects' successful use cases?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Салахетдинов Шамиль
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>>> -- 
>>> Салахетдинов Шамиль
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>Салахетдинов Шамиль
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Салахетдинов Шамиль

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