[dba-Tech] Learning and running AngularJS tutorials within VS2012

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Sat Jun 8 13:52:22 CDT 2013

 Hi All --

Not sure if subject is a generally available in one place/ready to use info - so I'm trying to compile it from several sources and to post it here:

Context: Given AngularJS tutorial -  http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial  

Quiz: How one can work through this tutorial (including running its JavaScript - Jasmine - unit tests)  from within Visual Studio 2012?


1.  Get and setup - "Chutzpah Test Adapter for Visual Studio 2012"

http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/f8741f04-bae4-4900-81c7-7c9bfb9ed1fe 2. Start VS 2012 and create an empty web project.

3. Put tutorial's entry html with AngularJS directives into default.html

4 . Put JavaScript code from tutorial into source file(s) in /js sub-folder

5. Put JavaScript code from tutorial with jasmine unit tests into source file(s) in /tests/unit sub-folder

6.  Use

/// <reference path="../../js/<your file name here>.js" />

directive in JavaScript code jasmine unit test sources

7. Run unit tests from within VS2012 in Unit Tests Explorer


8. Run, edit, refresh your web app (default.html in the very beginning) by using VS 2012 Page Inspector - CTRL + K, CTRL + G.


(As usual you can just run your web app in a browser by using CTRL+F5 (run) or F5 (run in debug mode))

9. Enjoy!


See also:

Running JavaScript tests with Chutzpah

Салахетдинов Шамиль

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