Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Sun Jun 16 00:44:54 CDT 2013
A couple of years ago Oracle bought out Sun systems and then took possession of two of the main products, OpenOffice and MySQL and then tried to figure how to make money off them. Both products have been wildly successful for years. The first major defection was that the entire senior staff working on the OpenOffice package quit and then opened their own competing package called LibraOffice. Since then, even though Oracle has continued to pour money, into OpenOffice, their new competitor has continued to surpass them in reliability, performance and features. Recently Oracle announced they were putting OpenOffice on the back burner as their competition LibraOffice had climbed to an insurmountable lead and they were not going to waste more money unless they could see some major profits... Oracle still had the crown jewels of MySQL and they have been continuing to develop a plan to milk the product popularity by adding pay as you go extra features while leaving the base version untouched. Initially, there was a huge flight of MySQL users away from the product but slowly larger supporter have been migrating, some moving to new databases like Postgres, NoSQL dbs and even MariaDB, a fork created by the original and senior developer of MySQL. Recently, FaceBook announced that they were going to be moving one hundred percent to a NoSQL DB. Beyond that, it must have come as a real shock when one of MySQL's biggest proponents announced they were moving to MariaDB. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/06/15/red_hat_to_ditch_mysql_for_mariadb_i n_rhel_7/ Jim