[dba-Tech] Windows 8.1

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 22:01:05 CDT 2013


I think you make some excellent points. We could very soon be looking at a
market in which the only place Windows has any dominance is in offices --
and even there, given the BYOD phenomenon, that may not last much longer.
I'd say that Windows Phone has very little chance against Android, and even
though I like Windows 8 (and just upgraded to 8.1), I still spend a lot of
time in Linux, partly because I have to, given Peter's and my book on
MySQL, but also just because I want to know it better. Finally, I agree
wholeheartedly with your point about Steam and young gamers. The only
reason they have to run Windows is about to go away. And as a result,
gaming computers will get cheaper since their vendors won't have to bundle


On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Hans-Christian Andersen <
hans.andersen at phulse.com> wrote:

> Not only that, but things could get very interesting when Valve finally
> releases their SteamOS. Many kids I've met say that the only reason they
> run windows is so they can play games. Otherwise, this young generation are
> perfectly fine doing most if not all things via their smart phones and
> tablets.
> This could seriously open the gates for many current windows users to
> switch to other platforms. Valve has already blessed Linux and that is a
> company that throws a tremendous amount of weight in the industry and are
> adored by gamers.
> Windows as a platform is rapidly becoming just another operating system.
> With the internet, web apps, platforms like steam, mobile, etc, there are
> fewer reasons to be loyal to any specific OS. Like you say, Jim - PC
> vendors are becoming keenly aware of this.
> - Hans

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