Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Sun Oct 20 17:41:28 CDT 2013
Hi All: For all of you still in the business, concerned and responsible about secure of clients, here is an OSS package worth investing time in. WireShark is probably the de-facto network protocol analyser tool out there and I have been vaguely aware of it and its name has been popping up a lot lately. Recently an old tech acquaintance from one of the local bank chains recommended this tool so finally I decided to take a look. Overview: WireShark has been continually upgraded for years and the number of people involved in its development are in the hundreds. I have been told that it can detect activity on any number of protocols, any number of ports, coming in and out on virtually any size of network. http://www.wireshark.org/ Has anyone here had any first hand experience using the tool in their networks? Jim