[dba-Tech] The walking dead

Peter Brawley peter.brawley at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 31 19:07:05 CDT 2013

On 2013-10-31 1:44 PM, Jim Lawrence wrote:
> Here is a good start list of programs that are part of the "Walking Dead" and should be tossed as soon as possible.

Corporate BS meant to persuade us old is terrible, expensive new is 

[Thunderbird choked on my first send, hope this isn't a dupe]



> I must admit I still have sites with XP but will be either moving them to Linux or Windows 7, depending on what the client wants. For a more complete list of the toxic brew of the dead and dying, check out the link:
> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-tech-products-that-belong-to-the-walking-dead/?tag=nl.e101&s_cid=e101&ttag=e101&ftag=TRE684d531
> Jim
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