[dba-Tech] Changing coloring scheme for Midnight Commander - the most pupular file manager on unix like systems

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Sun Apr 6 15:52:04 CDT 2014

 Hi Jim --

Thank you for your notes.
I have noted on my broadband Internet connection just to mark why my RDP connection/login/open VM GUI with DigitalCloud droplets happens so relatively fast. Actually, when, e.g, running a browser on RDP-connected droplet then VM screen refreshing happens with some delays.

I have this broadband Internet connection for 10+ years now - not sure if all of you can expect any significant innovations coming from my side because of that broadband connection, sorry,  I have to work for my family everyday living first of all, and that is mainly programming not Windows/Linux system administration. But if it will happen I accidentally make some innovations in the Windows/Linux administration or other IT areas I will share it with you, no doubts :)

And as you also noted - "real men use CLI", so will I (at least this is my current intention). So DigitalCloud droplet's GUI over RDP was mainly an experiment inspired by you. Thank you for your help.

In some sites I have seen, a link/shortcut (ln), to a (universal) bash script is added to the .xsession file and then, 
within the script, any number of options can be added, depending on who is logging in or what mode has been 
setup for a user like remote, direct admin, from a terminal etc and even what applications are then run, at start
up. This may be what you were looking for.
Thank you for the hint with .xsession. As I have noted above I have just been experimenting without clear goals. But now I see this experimenting might result in a custom .xsession config I would use when connecting/logging to DIgitalCloud droplets via RDP using different logins. BTW, here is the info on .xsession I have just found -  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/47359/what-is-xsession-for

Thank you.

-- Shamil

Sun, 6 Apr 2014 09:08:06 -0600 (MDT) from Jim Lawrence <accessd at shaw.ca>:
>Hi Shamil:
>"FYI: I have a broadband internet connection." ...that is so nice.
>We can now expect some great innovations from you. ;-)
<<< trimmed >>>

P.S. I have 20KB limitation on my dba-Tech postings so I have to trim quoted posts significantly.

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