Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Tue Jan 21 22:54:18 CST 2014
Hi all: The Penn Manor High-school, in Pennsylvania, had to make a choice on how to upgrade from Windows XP. Even with reducing licensing costs, the dollar value was prohibitive as school budgets have been severely slashed. The decision was made to move to Linux. http://www.pennmanor.net/techblog That is not the real story. In this school district it was deemed that every student would have a laptop computer. The implementation process, only took two days to install a new operating system on over 1700 units. The staff and students were so impressed that they are encouraging the rest of the district to follow suit. If your school district is taking this approach the school is more than willing to help as you can download all the tools from GitHub at: https://github.com/pennmanor Jim